
◇Mystery of psychology ◇~ The Day Colored on The Air ~No.20 Last Episode

Good afternoon, everyone.

“Good luck! Sales person” is serializing now on this blog.

In the series, I was writing about business firm years. The firm is Inabata & Co., Ltd. (the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and Osaka Securities Exchange) which business firm of Sumitomo chemical group.

In the first half of「Good luck Sales person!」serialized stories of talking with Senior A.
My 20’s got chewed out by Senior A and put through the mill every day, it was spring life of time. LOL

I named ~the day colored on air~ for last story. I have decided the title when I started the series. What I wanted to write about most in this series of ◇Mystery of Psychology◇ is from No. 16 to No. 20

When I went to sale with Senior A, He kept saying,「Tate! Didn’t you see a chance for new sale during business talk with the client a little while ago?」The senior said.「Tate! There were a lot of sales floated on the air other than just a purpose.
「To color on the air makes difference between excellent sales men and ordinary one」 He meant that there is a business chance in commonplace words from client brought out just a few second. Most important thing is that you can do with your thoughts.

Clients often used quite abstract languages during sales for new client development and business talk.

After all, the senior did not tell me 「How to color on the air」. (It’s not surprising.)
The business talk technique is not always the same; it is depending on my or your experiences and sensitivity so that the answer is endless variety. But someday, you will become a person who can color on the air.

★Dear readers

I appreciate from my heart for reading ◇Mystery of Psychology ◇ to the end of the series.
It is my pleasure, if this series of ◇Mystery of Psychology ◇ helped you at many scenes.

Good Luck!! (*^_^*)

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