
◇Mystery of Psychology◇ ~How to deal with complaints~No.17

Good morning.
This is Tate.

I had engaged in business related to building materials and timber for a long time.
This industry is always close to clients complaints because timber is "a living creature." So, receiving complaints is conventionalized, and everybody who works in this industry gets paralyzed from common sense.

For the clients, products are valuable because they pay a great amount of money. When a problem occurs, some of the clients talked in a rough tone.
Some young salesman quit the job because of the harsh complaints.

This time is about dealing with complaints.

To begin with, there are two kinds of complaints.
1. Quality of products and delay of the deadline.
2. Lack of good relationships. (Services included.)
Complaints from clients are from anxieties of how they should solve the problems happening at the moment.
So clients can be very aggressive and emotional.
I was in the position receiving complaints. At first, I wrote about “paralysis.” Such difference in the concepts of value may cause the problem like this.

How do you deal with complaints in this situation?

According to general psychology, you might think the answer is "to talk each other in a high tone…..!!"

However, it is the best you should talk in a lower tone as soon as possible at first, even though the clients are talking in a high tone.

The person who is receiving the complaints should use the technique that is to use the very low tone.

Then, the voice tone of clients will calm down, and you will be able to have business-like conversation with the clients to solve the problems.

Don’t miss the next story.

Good Luck. (*^_^*)

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