
◇Mystery of Psychology◇ ~Eye~ No.2

Good afternoon.

This time is about“Eye”!

Before I wrote that if someone staring at you without looking away, it was a sign of alarm or it was a technique which such as used by a swindler.
However, there is a sign that doesn't correspond to it. That is a line sight of woman.
If you are male, you don’t feel bad when woman look at you, do you?
But, women stare at others more than men do. You should remind that there is no meaning or feeling.
In general, women often use eye contact with others more, and the time is also longer than men in an experiment.
The reason is because women are thought to be weaker than men.
In a long history of human, to survive women have to observe men who protect them to survive, and understand what men want without saying.

○pupil size
Girls drawn in comic books have big eyes and shining stars in their eyes.
If there is something in front of you which attract you, your pupils get bigger.

There is an interesting result of experimentations,
When men saw a picture of naked women, the result of the experiment was that their pupils got widen 18% than usual.
Incidentally, it was 20% widen when women saw naked man picture.

Be careful! The pupil expresses your feeling.

Good Luck!(*^_^*)

Don't miss the next story.

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