
◇Mystery of Psychology◇ ~Unhappy face~ No.3 

Good afternoon, everyone.

This time is about displeased look.

It is a sign when people change the specific facial expression; it means you score a big point on the credibility scale from them.
What kind of a facial expression do you think?
The answer is displeased look.

You might think that is unexpectedly, but think about when you are talking with your family. You sometimes have serious talks, get harsh advices or maybe urge with your family or friends. I could say that from my experience, if you can speak to other people real motives and tackle the problem at a brass-tacks level, it makes relationship transcendental trust in business. That is because that the person is opening their heart to you.

Incidentally, the gesture quick flick of the tongue when you made a mistake, it is only showed to a person who is approved. On other hand, if someone keeps their mouths firmly shut, it expresses dislike feeling.
They might be hiding something on you.

Don't miss the next story.

Good Luck!(*^_^*)

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