
◇Mystery of Psychology◇ ~Line of Sight~ No.1

Good afternoon, everyone.

I have bitter memories when I got involved a new business development.
It was not easy for me to make a good relationship with a person I met at first.
A first business meeting always makes a sale person nervous.
I have seen a lot of people who failed in a business meeting with their clients because of the difficulty and anguish.
I would like to tell you what I learned and experienced from seeing through behaviors or from their signs.
I am very glad if it helps you.
In a phrase, It all comes down to the fact that “understand others feeling”

I believe that everybody is interested in these three topics below.
○ Clients’ psychology
○ Friend’s psychology
○ Boyfriend/girlfriend’s psychology
*How to win the hearts and minds of other people by reading signs and behaviors.
(Please use only as a guide.)

This time is about “line of sight”

The surprising reason why you want to refuse eye contact with someone interested in!
○A person who look into other’s’ eyes when you talk.
If you look in others’ eyes when talking to someone, this tells that you are an outgoing person. But at the same time, eyes could tell you, you have mental issue. A person who has strong desire to be with someone or to talk to someone (affiliative drive) also often look into others’ eyes.
Also a person who has anxiety tries to catch others’ eyes because he/she cares about how others think about him/her.

○A person who does not look other’s eyes when he/she talks
There are some people who never look into other people when they talk.
It is concerned as a sign of the strong complex. They can not see others’ eyes because they are afraid of being judged.
If someone looks down when he/she is talking to you, it is a sign that he/she is afraid of you.
But there is other meaning for looking away unnaturally.
For example, when you and your friend A & B are talking, A is looking at B, but not you. You might think A hates you. However, it might mean that A is interested in you and does not want you to know about it.

○A person who blinks a lot.
In general, it is a sign of that the person is weak or afraid of others.
The number of blinking is inversely related to degree of tightness.

Recently, products cannot be sold well because of economic depression, these situation effects of a sales person’s mental fatigue impenetrably

I hope that you will realize something through this “Mystery of Psychology”

Good Luck!(*^_^*)

Don't miss the next story

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