
◇Mystery of Psychology◇ ~Smile~ No.4

Good afternoon everyone!

This time is about smile!
Have you ever fall about laughing with your clients?

People feel a real affinity with someone who laughs at the same timing.
It is said that people who can laugh at the same timing, they have common identity which means they are get along with well.
The most well known smile in negative way is diplomatic smile.
Then how do you differentiate real laugh and fake smile? It is said if eyes are not smiling that is fake smile
The point is movement of eyes.
When you faked a laugh, your eyes and mouth move at the same time. On other hand, when you are smiling naturally, your mouth smile first and then eyes.
Incidentally, when you are crying with laughter, it expresses not only your mouth and eyes but also with your body.

※ When I traveled from Osaka to Akita with a executive managing director of client on business. My tin and ears were getting very sore on airplane, and then the director laughed hard at my reaction. Since then, he brought back this story and started to laugh at me before business talk.

Once again, when your relationship with clients became that freely discuss each others true feelings; you can feel real joy of sale!

Good Luck!(*^_^*)

Don't miss the next story.

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