
◇Mystery of Psychology◇ ~The level of frustration~No.15

Good morning, everyone.

When working all the day, everybody gets frustrated sometimes.
Or even though the subject is fun to you, it might be annoying or ironic to whom you are talking.

Can you read the sign of the frustration?

Even if a person is annoyed or frustrated, it is more likely not to tell you his/her feelings especially at work.

This time is the level of frustration.

If a person is changing the legs crossing frequently, it is the sign of the frustration.

Generally, changing legs only occurs twice to four times. If it occurs four to eight times, which is more than two times of usual situation, it will give psychological pressure to the person who you are talking to. It is proven by the experiment.

Also, if a person is changing legs many times, the person wants to say his/her opinion but cannot say it, or he/she cannot decide what to say.

By the way, I sometimes go to lecture presentations. If the lecture is not so interesting to me, I change my legs many times.

Don’t miss the next story!

Good Luck! (*^_^*)

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