
◇Mystery of Psychology◇~The Rule~No.14

Good morning, everyone.

This time is about “THE RULE” 

If you are a salesman or saleswoman, you have a lot of opportunities to communicate with your clients!?
Especially when you have business meetings with your clients, you don’t spend all of your time talking about your business.
Usually, we start with a digression and then move on to the main subject!
A digression is like a relax time for each other before the business meetings. However, surprisingly, it is important time.
If you meet the person for the first time or you barely know the person, it is hard to think about what to talk.
For example, I don’t think it is a good idea to talk about your or his/her private life. If the person is struggling with his/her private life, you will have awkward moment with him/her.
At a time like this, it is BEST to talk about WENT.

E –  Entertainment / Hobby
T –  TV program

For your information, I was told to read economic newspaper everyday by my boss.

Don’t miss the nest story!
Good Luck! (*^_^*)

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