
◇Mystery of Psychology◇ ~Women’s hair~ No.6

Good afternoon everyone.

This time is about women’s hair!

When I was a student, I went to coed Jr. and high school.
I often saw some girls running their fingers through their hair, when classes were boring.
But I had not seen boys doing the same things.

★ The motion that runs their fingers through their hair.
・ Sign of aggressive behavior on him/her.
・ Punishing himself/herself.

★ The motion pulls one’s hair.
・Strong frustration.

★ The motion that twist their hairs around their fingers and smooth their hair down.
・ Self-centered personality (caution needed) Hair is a very important part for women’s fashion so that is not able to say in all cases.
If a woman doing such motion when you are talking, people might misunderstand that the person is not interested in your story. You’d better be careful for this.

Good Luck!(*^_^*)

Don't miss the next story.

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