
◇Mystery of Psychology◇~Increase the Number of Times~ No.7

Good afternoon everyone.

“Good luck! Sales person” is serializing now on this blog.

When I was a new business development sales man, I often visited my new clients as many as I could.
It was not the same as the existing clients, and I wanted to make a good relationship as soon as I could.
It was different because my seniors already had established a friendship with existing clients.

This time is about “Increase the number of times!”

People easily fall in love with someone who meets very often.
It is called the Principle of Familiarity in psychology.
The favorability would unconsciously increase if a person sees someone over and over.
This principle applies to many business scenes.
For example,
① A sales person who visits you once three months.
② A sales person who visits you once a week.
・If you are the key person who have been authorized to make decisions, which sales persons would you choose to purchase from?

After all, you would buy from a sales person who visits passionately.

On the other hand, “Time and attractive information” are important for the clients who already have relationship of trust.

Don’t miss the next story.

Good Luck!(*^_^*)

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