
◇Mystery of Psychology◇ ~The Direction of the Toes~ No.10

Hello, everyone.
This time is about “The Direction of the Toes.”

What mostly show human true feelings are the face and how the person sweats.
The next sign is the movement of the legs.
Legs are hidden under the tables and cannot be seen. Therefore it unconsciously shows what the person really feels.
However, even though ladies who can control the movements of the legs, there are one sign that cannot be covered. It is the directions of knees and toes. It is the same about men. 

For example, you are with someone you are secretly interested in at a party. Even though you want to gaze him/her and you want to be close to him/her, you talk to other people around you so that nobody will know how you feel about the person.
Your legs do not lie!
Although you look at the people around you, your knees and toes will point to the person you are interested in.

On the other hand, despite your upper body faces the person you do not like, your toes point to somewhere else. It is the same when a person is listening to something you are not interested in.

You should try to observe the person who is more than your friend but not yet your boyfriend/girlfriend.

Don’t miss the next story.
Good luck!! (*^_^*)

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